The Sitip Management is committed to implementing a Policy appropriate to the purposes and context of the company, which places the focus, and the basis of its strategy:
- anticipating and meeting internal and external stakeholders’ expectations all over the world, thanks to the high competence and professionalism of its collaborators;
- promoting our quality and ethicsoriented corporate culture to the internal and external community, thanks to its constant and targeted communication and to the formation and motivation of its collaborators;
- relying on constant dialogue, timely answers and cooperation with our customers and suppliers, considered as strategic partners with a view to developing together and to meeting market and consumers’ expectations.
- achieving continuous evolution and innovation of products, service, process and systems in order to ensure excellence and to guarantee customer satisfaction by taking the following measures:
- respecting the contractual requirements agreed on, meeting specific technical requests, abiding by the laws in force through the prevention and respect of the rules established by our Management System;
- the constant compliance with current laws and regulations on the environnement, the respect of ecological sustainability in the production and international ecological standards on textiles;
- reducing our carbon footprint through the adoption of ISO 14064 certified business practices. With this certification, Sitip takes a systematic approach to managing its corporate carbon footprint, ensuring continuous monitoring of all GHG emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3) and implementing strategies for their reduction. This achievement/accomplishment highlights our tangible commitment to combating climate change, aligning with global goals for sustainability and reducing environmental impact.
- adopting a circular economy model that aims to reduce resource exploitation and waste. Sitip promotes the use of recycled materials by committing to research design and production processes that facilitate waste reuse and regeneration. The company is dedicated to continuously improving its production practices and ensuring effective waste separation, recovery and recycling.
This approach fosters responsible management of natural resources, reduces environmental impact and creates economic and social added value;
- complying with the Environmental and Safety regulations by promoting health and safety in the workplace and by ensuring environmental sustainability along the whole product life cycle, thanks to the adoption of a precautionary approach to environmental issues through the following measures:
- raw materials use, focusing on the use of recycled raw materials and on waste reduction;
- optimization of waste production management, by separating, recovering and recycling waste rather than resorting to disposal, when possible;
- the constant control of industrial waste through the adoption of all the necessary measures to limit the risk of contamination of the soil and air;
- constant assesment of the energy consumption of the activity, investing in self-production systems of electricity and cutting-edge technological solutions aimed at reducing environmental and energy impacts; adoption of low-impact technologies and integration of renewable sources are part of our commitment to contribute to the energy transition;
- developing human resources’ skills and professionalism as well as the sense of belonging to the company at all levels of the organization, by promoting relations between different departments in compliance with Sitip’s code of conduct
- identifying, communicating and reaching concrete, shared and measurable objectives to use as guidelines to manage each department.
The Management Board constantly monitors Customer Satisfaction and Claims Management, as well as all the activities and resources needed to implement this Integrated Policy for Quality, Environment and Energy.
It also undertakes to guarantee that the objectives are always coherent with the needs and the expectations of all interested parties, and it commits to periodically review the Quality and Environmental Management System in order to constantly improve its effectiveness and efficacy.